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L' Ambasciatrice UK a colloquio con gli studenti dell'Università di Bologna

Lunedì 7 Marzo 2017, presso Villa Gustavillani la sede della Bologna Business School (BBS), si è svolto un incontro dal respiro culturale INTERNAZIONALE, con Jill Morris, l'Ambasciatrice britannica presso la Repubblica italiana e la Repubblica di San Marino.

A seguire l'incontro, il cui titolo era The UK & the EU - A New Partnership, c'era l'inviato speciale di FROM LONDON WITH LOVE, il Dott. Petrini Francesco, Consulente del Lavoro e delle Relazioni Aziendali.

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Jill Morris, British Ambassador in Italy and non-resident Ambassador of the Republic of San Marino, meets BBS Community to comment on the impact of Brexit.

7 March 2017

-British people are still Europeans, historically, geographically and culturally. What they want to achieve is a new partnership, a new economic partnership after the negotiation which will start in April. Negotiation won’t be too difficult because we have the same framework but has taken a long period to prepare. “I was in London last week and I can assure you that a huge amount of work has been done since last July.. from every sector, every Ministry.” - she said.

-For what concerns British economy and investments: “don’t panic, we’re strong!” UK economy still remains strong, and this is an important factor  to highlight for those who want to invest in UK, for those who want to move and work there. Statistics say that. Jill said that their government creates jobs investing in research and infrastructures. You might read in newspapers that many companies are leaving UK but that’s not what UK government is seeing. A lot of companies will continue their job and others will be created. Obviously this “growing economy” doesn’t have to be taken for granted but it is clear that UK economy is currently strong and so will be. Business leaders and entrepreneurs will always invest in British business. Government is creating conditions for British business to grow. There is a lot of attention to technology, digital sector and science to ensure that UK continues to be an attractive country for investments. Investments create jobs and future.

-Italy is one of the largest investors in UK and the Italian programme INDUSTRIA 4.0 shares some points with the new UK economic program. The UK vision is that there will be a strong collaboration from which everybody will benefit. Being real, of course there will be changes but what everyone wants is a UK hand in hand with EU, with a strong EU. UK doesn’t want to weak European Union.

-There will be a constructive spirit between friends (UK and EU). UK receives benefits from being part of EU, but at the same time also UK brought good things to EU. After Brexit, both parts will still benefit for most of what has been achieved if there will be a good collaboration at the end of the process of negotiation. For example, UK largely contributes to EU security and they will continue that.

Q-What about Italians who work in the UK?

 A. UK government said clearly that their intention is to protect the rights of every Italian worker as much as the rights of people from other EU countries. What UK will ask in the negotiation process is a reciprocity condition: Italy and other countries will have to guarantee the right of British people who work and live in Italy and in other UE state. So as long as the rights of the British people are respected, they will also respect the rights of Italian workers.

Q. UK has strong relationships with countries and organisations all over the world. Somebody said that Brexit means that they are choosing USA instead of European Union, but is that true?

A. Answer is no. “It’s not a matter of “either-or”.

Rumours claimed that UK decision will start a domino effect, referring to the fact that this will push other countries to leave EU. Ms. Morris states that this is not what they’re trying to provoke and they wish every success for EU.

Ms. Morris, who is the First female UK ambassador to Italy said that what she loves about Italy is the sense of identity we have. Our strength. A mixture between tradition and modernity. She feels entrepreneurial energy and is proud to say that there are a lot of Italians working in UK. She’s also proud of being the first woman as UK ambassador in Italy.

At the end, she spent some words about international women’s day.

It’s proved that organisations are stronger when they are diverse. Companies that embrace different ways of thinking are more successful. So we need to be diverse. We need to accept differences: in gender as much as in nationality. International women’s day is an opportunity to celebrate how far we’ve come and what more we need to do as women and as men. International woman’s day is not just for women.

Dott. Francesco Petrini

(FROM LONDON WITH LOVE ringrazia di cuore Francesco per il valoroso contributo)


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